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It’s interesting how slip and fall accident liability isn’t common knowledge for many folks out there. But if you own property in Texas, whether it’s a business, a residence, or even a rental property, you have a responsibility to ensure that your place is reasonably safe for anyone who visits, lives there, or does business with you. Safety first, right? 

When we talk about slip and fall accidents or premises liability cases, we’re covering a wide range of situations. It could be someone slipping on a wet floor in a shopping mall, tripping over a broken staircase in an office building, or even in a residential property. In these cases, the property insurance company typically kicks in to provide coverage for the injured party’s damages and losses.

If you find yourself in such a situation, dealing with the aftermath of a slip and fall, it’s essential to seek help. That’s when you reach out to a slip and fall accident lawyer who knows the ins and outs of these cases. At Chalaki Law, P.C., we have extensive experience with slip and fall accidents, and we’ve got your back- literally and figuratively to help you recover compensation.

What Is a Slip and Fall Incident?

Picture this: you’re strolling through a supermarket or walking down a dimly lit sidewalk, and bam! You slip on a wet floor or trip over a loose tile. Ouch! A slip and fall incident, is when someone takes an unexpected tumble due to hazardous conditions on someone else’s property. You know, it’s one of those personal injury accidents that happen when you least expect it. 

These incidents can occur in all sorts of places, from fancy restaurants to bustling shopping malls or even just outside your neighbor’s house. It’s crazy how a simple misstep can lead to minor bruises and sprains or, heaven forbid, more serious injuries like broken bones or head trauma.

Now, when you experience a slip and fall, it’s crucial to figure out if it is a property owner’s negligence or the occupier’s. Did they fail to address a known hazard or neglect to put up warning signs? Maybe they didn’t bother maintaining their property properly. These factors can make the property owner responsible for the injuries you’ve suffered.

Slip And Fall and Premises Liability Case Examples

Wet Floor Mishap: Imagine a scenario where a customer enters a grocery store on a rainy day. Due to a leaky roof, water accumulates near the entrance, creating a slippery floor. Without any warning signs or efforts to address the issue promptly, the customer takes a spill, resulting in a broken arm and other injuries.

Neglected Maintenance: Let’s say you’re walking through an apartment complex where the management has been neglecting their maintenance duties. As a result, a staircase railing becomes loose and unstable. Without any visible signs warning of the danger, you grab onto the railing for support, but it gives way, causing you to fall down the stairs and suffer a severe back injury.

Poor Lighting Hazards: In this scenario, you’re visiting a shopping mall during the evening. However, the mall fails to maintain proper lighting in certain areas, creating dark patches. As you walk through one of these poorly lit sections, you trip over an uneven surface that is not easily visible, resulting in a fractured wrist and other injuries.

Hazards in Commercial Spaces: Imagine you’re in a bustling restaurant, and the staff negligently leaves a spill unattended for an extended period. As a result, a customer unsuspectingly walks through the area and slips on the wet floor, leading to a head injury and significant medical expenses.

Defective Staircase: In an office building, there’s a defect in the design or construction of a staircase. The steps are unevenly spaced and lack proper handrails. As an employee descends the stairs, they lose their balance due to the faulty design, resulting in a severe ankle fracture and subsequent medical treatments.

Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in Dallas

Slip & Fall Accident Attorney Dallas TX

Wet or Slippery Surfaces: One of the leading causes of slip and fall accidents is the presence of wet or slippery surfaces. This can include freshly mopped floors, spills that haven’t been cleaned up promptly, or even weather-related conditions such as rain or snow tracked indoors. Without proper warning signs or maintenance, these surfaces can pose significant hazards.

Uneven or Damaged Flooring: Uneven or damaged flooring surfaces can also lead to slip and fall accidents. Cracked sidewalks, potholes, loose carpeting or tiles, or uneven steps can cause individuals to trip and lose their balance, resulting in falls and injuries.

Inadequate Lighting: Insufficient lighting in certain areas can contribute to slip and fall accidents. When visibility is compromised, individuals may not be able to identify potential hazards or changes in the walking surface, increasing the risk of tripping or misjudging steps.

Lack of Warning Signs: Property owners have a responsibility to provide proper warning signs for potential hazards. Failure to place signs indicating wet floors, uneven surfaces, or other dangerous conditions can lead to slip and fall accidents. Without these visual cues, individuals may be unaware of the risks they face.

Negligent Maintenance: Inadequate maintenance of premises is a significant factor in slip and fall accidents. This can include neglecting to repair damaged flooring, not addressing known hazards promptly, or failing to maintain walkways, stairs, or handrails in a safe condition.

Obstructed Walkways: Cluttered or obstructed walkways pose a significant risk for slip and fall accidents. Objects, debris, or cables left in the walking path can cause individuals to trip and fall unexpectedly.

Improper Footwear: While not directly related to property conditions, improper footwear can contribute to slip and fall accidents. Wearing shoes with inadequate traction or unsuitable for the walking surface can increase the risk of losing balance and falling.

Common Injuries People Sustain In Slip And Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, varying in severity. Here are some common injuries that people may sustain in slip and fall accidents:

Herniated Discs: The force of a fall can cause the cushions (discs) between the vertebrae in the spine to rupture or herniate. This can lead to pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area.

Disc Extrusion: In more severe cases, a slip and fall accident can cause a disc to extrude, where the inner material protrudes beyond the disc’s outer layer. This can result in compression of nerves and potentially require surgical intervention.

Spinal Injury Requiring Fusion or Discectomy: In some instances, a slip and fall accident can cause significant damage to the spinal column, necessitating surgical procedures like fusion (joining vertebrae) or discectomy (removal of damaged disc material).

Torn Meniscus of the Knee: Sudden twisting or impact during a fall can cause tears in the meniscus, which is the cartilage in the knee joint. This injury can result in pain, swelling, and restricted movement.

Elbow Injuries: When individuals instinctively reach out to break their fall, they may suffer from various elbow injuries, such as fractures, dislocations, or ligament damage.

Tailbone Injuries: Falling directly onto the tailbone can cause bruising, fractures, or even dislocation of the coccyx. These injuries can result in significant pain and discomfort.

Leg and Ankle Injuries: Fractures, sprains, strains, and ligament tears can occur in the legs or ankles due to the impact of a slip and fall accident. These injuries can lead to pain, instability, and difficulty walking.

Torn Rotator Cuff: When individuals try to break their fall with an outstretched arm, they may suffer a torn rotator cuff in the shoulder. This injury can cause pain, limited range of motion, and weakness.

Concussion: If the head hits the ground during a fall, a concussion can occur. Concussions are traumatic brain injuries that can result in symptoms like headache, dizziness, confusion, and memory problems.

Sprain/Strain of the Spine: The sudden jolt or impact from a fall can cause sprains or strains in the muscles and ligaments of the back or neck, leading to pain and reduced mobility.

Fractured or Broken Bones: Slip and fall accidents can result in fractures or breaks in various bones, such as the wrists, arms, hips, or ankles. The severity of these injuries can vary depending on the impact and individual factors.

Other Traumatic Brain Injuries: Besides concussions, slip and fall accidents can also lead to other traumatic brain injuries, such as contusions, hematomas, or diffuse axonal injuries. These injuries can have long-term consequences on cognitive and neurological functions.

Paralysis: In severe cases involving spinal cord injuries, slip and fall accidents can cause partial or complete paralysis, resulting in the loss of sensory and motor function below the injured area.

Texas Slip And Fall and Premises Liability Law

In Texas, slip and fall cases and premises liability claims are governed by the legal principles established through court decisions and statutes. Under Texas law, property owners have a duty of care to maintain reasonably safe conditions on their premises for those who enter legally. This duty extends to visitors, residents, tenants, customers, and other lawful individuals. The key elements of Texas slip and fall/premises liability law include:

Duty of Care: Property owners must exercise reasonable care to address potential hazards and maintain safe conditions. They are expected to take proactive measures to prevent injuries and accidents on their property.

Notice and Knowledge: To hold a negligent property owner liable, it must be shown that they had actual or constructive knowledge of the hazardous condition that resulted to the accident occurred. Constructive knowledge means the owner should have known about the condition through regular inspections or by exercising ordinary care.

Comparative Negligence: Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which means that if the injured person is found partially at fault for the accident, their compensation may be reduced. However, if the injured person’s fault exceeds 50%, they may be barred from recovering any compensation.

Statute of Limitations: In Texas, there is a two-year statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit related to slip and fall accidents. This means that legal action must be initiated within two years from the date of the incident, or the right to pursue a personal injury claim may be lost.

Potential Damages: If successful in a slip and fall case, injured individuals may be entitled to various damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, disability, and other related losses. The specific amount of damages awarded depends on the circumstances of the case and the extent of the injuries.

When Is a Landowner Liable for Injury?

Determining liability in these cases depends on several factors, and it can get quite nuanced. In general, if the property owner failed to fulfill their duty of care in slip and fall cases may be held liable. What’s this duty of care, you may ask? It’s the responsibility they have to maintain reasonably safe conditions on their property, especially for those who have a lawful reason to be there.

Notice and Knowledge: To establish liability, it’s crucial to prove that the landowner was aware of, or should have been aware of, the dangerous condition that caused the slip and fall. It’s not just about any old hazard but rather one that poses an unreasonable risk of harm to visitors.

Duty of Care: You see, the landowner’s knowledge isn’t the only key factor. We must also consider whether they took reasonable steps to address the hazard or whether they failed to warn visitors about it. Did they promptly fix that slippery floor or put up warning signs around that uneven surface? These actions (or lack thereof) can make all the difference when it comes to liability.

Comparative Negligence: Oh, and let’s not forget about the visitors themselves. The injured party’s conduct and level of care also play a role. If they were being reckless or not paying attention to their surroundings, their own negligence might be taken into account, potentially reducing the landowner’s liability.

Who Are The Potential At-fault Parties In A Slip And Fall Accident?

In a slip and fall accident, several parties could potentially be considered at fault, depending on the specific circumstances. Here are some potential at-fault parties:

Retail Store: If a slip and fall accident occurs in a retail store, the store owner or operator may be held responsible for maintaining a safe premises. They have a duty to regularly inspect the property, promptly address any hazards or spills, and provide warnings to customers about potential dangers.

Government Building: Slip and fall accidents that occur in government buildings, such as public offices, libraries, or courthouses, may involve government entities. In such cases, the responsible government agency or municipality can be held liable for maintaining safe conditions for visitors.

Apartment Complex: If a slip and fall accident occurs in an apartment complex, multiple parties may share potential liability. The property owner, property management company, or even individual tenants could be at fault depending on the circumstances. The responsible party may be determined based on their duty to maintain common areas, repair hazards, and ensure resident safety.

Homeowners: In slip and fall accidents that occur on residential properties, homeowners can be held responsible for maintaining safe conditions. Homeowners have a duty to keep their premises reasonably free of hazards, repair any known dangers, and provide proper warnings to visitors.

Compensation for Dallas Slip and Fall Victims

The road to compensation might not always be a walk in the park. There are legal hoops to jump through, paperwork to tackle, and insurance companies to negotiate with. It can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re already dealing with the aftermath of an accident. But fret not, for you don’t have to navigate this complex journey alone. Chalaki Law Firm has experienced legal team for slip and fall cases are here to help you. Here are some common forms of compensation that victims of slip and fall claim:

Past And Future Medical Expense: Compensation may cover the costs of medical bills and treatment, including emergency care, surgeries, hospital stays, medications, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical care related to the slip and fall injuries. Future medical expenses that may be required as a result of the accident can also be considered.

Lost Earning Capacity: If the slip and fall accident causes long-term or permanent injuries that limit the victim’s ability to work or earn income, compensation may be sought for the loss of earning capacity. This can include the potential income the victim would have earned in the future had the accident not occurred.

Lost Wages: Compensation may be awarded for the wages or income that the victim lost due to the slip and fall injuries. This can include missed workdays, reduced work hours, or any other financial loss resulting from the accident.

Pain And Suffering: Slip and fall victims may be entitled to compensation for physical pain, discomfort, and suffering caused by their injuries. This includes both the immediate pain experienced after the accident and any ongoing pain or chronic conditions resulting from the injuries.

Loss Of Consortium (Ability To Have A Relationship With Family Members): In some cases, the spouse or family members of a slip and fall victim may suffer a loss of consortium, which refers to the loss of companionship, affection, and ability to have a normal relationship with the injured individual. Compensation may be sought to address these damages.

Emotional Distress: Slip and fall accidents can have a significant emotional impact on the victim, leading to anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or other psychological injuries. Compensation may be awarded to address the emotional distress suffered as a result of the accident.

It’s important to note that the specific amount of compensation awarded in slip and fall cases can vary based on factors such as the severity of injuries, the impact on the victim’s life, the degree of negligence by the at-fault party, the hazardous or dangerous condition and other relevant considerations. Consulting an experienced Dallas slip and fall attorney can provide guidance on the potential compensation you may be entitled to based on your specific circumstances.

How Can You Choose The Right Slip And Fall Lawyer In Dallas Tx?

Choosing the right slip and fall lawyer in Dallas, TX is an important decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a slip and fall lawyer:

Specific Experience With Slip and Fall Lawsuits: Look for a law firm with experienced slip and fall attorneys. They should have a deep understanding of the legal claim process, local laws and regulations and legal responsibility surrounding premises liability and be familiar with the challenges and nuances of these types of cases.

Success With Slip and Fall Cases: Research the lawyer’s track record and success rate in handling slip and fall cases. Consider their history of obtaining favorable settlements or verdicts for their clients. This information can give you an idea of their ability to effectively advocate for your rights and maximize your compensation.

Litigation Experience: While most slip and fall cases are settled out of court, it’s essential to choose a lawyer with strong litigation experience. In case your case needs to proceed to trial, you want an attorney who is skilled in courtroom advocacy and has a track record of success in litigation.

Care and Dedication to Your Needs: Choose a lawyer who shows genuine care and dedication to your case. Look for someone who actively listens to your concerns, communicates clearly, and demonstrates a commitment to protecting your best interests. A lawyer who prioritizes your needs can provide the support and guidance you require throughout the legal process.

Contingency Fees: Slip and fall lawyers offers free consultation and typically work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only receive payment if they secure a settlement or favorable outcome for you. This fee structure allows you to pursue your case without upfront costs and ensures that your lawyer is motivated to achieve the best possible results for you.

How Can Chalaki Law Firm Attorneys Help You With Your Personal Injury Cases?

The legal team at our law firm, we have a team of dedicated slip and fall accident attorneys here in Dallas who are passionate about helping individuals just like you to recover compensation from your experienced unfortunate consequences of slip and fall accidents. We understand the physical pain, emotional distress, and financial burdens that can result from such incidents, and we are here to support you every step of the way. So, how exactly can our attorneys assist you with your personal injury case?

Case Evaluation: Our falling injury lawyer will carefully evaluate the details of your slip and fall accident, including the circumstances, evidence, and extent of your injuries. They will assess the viability of your case, determine the potential liability of the at-fault parties, and provide you with an understanding of your legal options.

Legal Guidance and Advice: Our attorneys in our slip and fall law firm will provide you with personalized legal guidance throughout the entire process. The slip and fall attorney will explain the relevant laws and legal concepts, educate you about your rights, and help you make informed decisions at every stage of your case.

Investigation and Evidence Gathering: Our attorneys will conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence in support of your personal injury claims. This may involve examining accident reports, obtaining surveillance footage, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with professionals if necessary. Strong evidence is crucial in establishing liability and strengthening your case.

Establishing Liability: Our attorney for slip and fall will work to establish the liability of the responsible parties. They will demonstrate that the property owner, occupier, or other at-fault entities had a duty to maintain a safe environment, breached that duty, and that the breach directly caused your injuries.

Building a Strong Case: Our slip and fall injury attorneys will build a strong case on your behalf, utilizing the gathered evidence, knowledgable opinions, and legal arguments. They will develop a comprehensive strategy tailored to the specific circumstances of your slip and fall accident to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome.

Negotiating Settlements: Our slip & fall accident lawyers will skillfully negotiate with insurance companies and opposing parties to seek a fair settlement on your behalf. They will advocate for your rights and strive to secure compensation that adequately covers your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Trial Representation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations, our slip and fall accident lawyers are prepared to take your case to trial. They will provide strong courtroom representation, presenting your case effectively, cross-examining witnesses, and arguing for your rights before the judge and jury.

Compassionate Support: Our slip and fall attorney understands the physical, emotional, and financial challenges you may be facing after a slip and fall accident. Our firm’s slip in fall attorneys in Dallas, Texas will provide compassionate support, addressing your concerns, answering your questions, and helping you navigate the legal process with care and understanding.


If you slip and fall at work, it’s important to report the incident to your employer or supervisor immediately. The specific steps following a slip and fall at work may vary depending on company policies and local regulations. In general obtaining compensation to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs is possible. It’s advisable to seek medical attention for your injuries and consult with a slip and fall accidents attorney to understand your rights and the available legal options. 

The presence of a warning sign in premise liability cases at the time of a slip and fall accident can have implications for liability. While a warning sign alerts individuals to potential hazards, like that of broken stairs, it doesn’t automatically absolve the property owner or occupier of liability. The effectiveness of the warning sign in fulfilling its purpose, the visibility and placement of the sign, and the property owner’s overall duty of care will be considered when determining liability to the injured party. Consulting with a lawyer for fall and slip who can help evaluate the impact of a warning sign on your specific situation.

Liability in a slip and fall case is determined based on the legal principle of premises liability. Generally, a property owner, including a government property, or occupier has a duty to maintain a safe environment for visitors. Slip and fall lawyers can help build a strong premise liability case for you. 

In a Dallas slip and fall case, an invitee refers to an individual who enters or remains on another person’s property with the owner’s expressed or implied invitation, for a lawful purpose. Invitees can include customers in retail stores, clients in professional offices, or individuals attending social gatherings hosted by property owners. Property owners owe invitees a high duty of care, requiring them to maintain the premises in a safe condition and warn of any known hazards. If an invitee is injured due to a property owner’s negligence, they may have grounds for a premises liability claim. 

Witnesses can play a crucial role in slip and fall cases. Their testimonies can provide objective accounts of the accident, including details about the conditions, the presence of hazards, and the property owner’s response. Witness statements can help establish liability and strengthen your case. It’s important to collect the contact information of any witnesses at the scene of the accident. Your slip and fall accidents lawyer can interview the witnesses, gather their statements, and assess their significance to your case. Witness testimony can provide valuable support in proving negligence and pursuing fair compensation for your injuries. 


Call us 24/7 at 972-793-8500 or fill out the form below to receive a free and confidential initial consultation.








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